The Sea Beast
The Sea Beast is a Netflix original animated film. Production design was done by Matthias Lechner and art direction by Woonyoung Jung. This was by far one of the best movies I have worked on.
Monster Island
I had a lot of fun designing this amazing set. The challenge for designing monster island was to create an environment that was complex yet simple in its overall appearance.
Castle Whiterock
This was a massive set and everyone on the art team helped out. Matthias Lechner built a rough 3D block in and had the whole art team flesh out the details. Some of these icons and architectural decorations were designed in collaboration with Estefania Pantoja, Rebecca Shieh and Celine Kim.
Gwen’s Lab
I had a lot of fun designing this huge and detailed set. As a visual development artist, I create my best work when I’m able to start from the beginning of an idea and see it through to its final form. I like to start out with rough sketches which I then turn into a 3D environment. This is helpful to the director and production because the 3D model is then used as a previs set. After the set is decided upon, then the fun starts with painting and lighting. This process is creatively rewarding.
Miscellaneous props
I designed additional props used throughout the movie.
Farm house
Lighting keys